Since 2001, the Hamden Education Foundation has…
Donated over $590,000 to benefit all of Hamden’s students.
Awarded 189 Innovation Grants, totaling $117,000, supporting teacher-driven initiatives in technology, engineering, mathematics, reading, foreign languages, creative arts, social development, and parental engagement.
Awarded $134,000 in scholarships.
HEF administers ongoing scholarship funds, given by the Hamden Grange, the Louis F. and Mary A. Tagliatela Foundation, and the Franklin Philanthropic Foundation, and scholarship funds given in memory of Hamden educators, including Alida Begina, Bettye Middleton, and Judy Baierl DeMaio.
Awarded over $339,000 for programs and equipment to improve the schools, including:
$40,000 digital video production lab at HHS
$5,000 “Weatherbug” station for use in math, science and geography classes at both the middle and high school.
$13,500 “Mimio” interactive boards and computers for the Hamden High School Math/Science Initiative.
$10,000 for Hamden Public School libraries from the Dr. Begina Memorial Fund
$50,000 weight room for fitness and athletics at Hamden High School, donated by Dr. Richard Diana in honor of his father.
$94,000 from the owners of Eli’s on Whitney Restaurant for the Hamden High School girls’ softball scoreboard and boys’ baseball scoreboard, uniforms and equipment for boys lacrosse and girls’ ice hockey, electronic scoreboard at Hamden Middle School, football equipment, signs for the athletic department, equipment to help maintain the track and turf field, championship banners, Community Readers Day and funding for Innovation Grants.
$12,000 swimming pool scoreboard and timing system, for the boys’ and girls’ swim teams
$7,800 track timing system, for the boys’ and girls’ track teams
$14,000 weight room and fitness room equipment
Received $10,000 from the William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund to advance the school reform work with the National Urban Alliance
Hosted successful annual fundraising events highlighting achievements of alumni and members of the Hamden education community:
“Concert for the Kids,” featuring Linda Bonadies and the musical group Blue Trail; proceeds benefited fine arts students in Hamden schools
Annual Hall of Fame dinners celebrating successful alumni athletes; proceeds benefit athletic programs
Annual Distinguished Alumni dinners celebrating Hamden High graduates who have made important contributions to society; proceeds further HEF’s work
Sponsored the Human Relations Club Prejudice Reduction Conference, student field trips to the Black Hispanic Student Union for the historical Black colleges field trip, Hamden High School After Prom, and books for all of the schools for the annual Community Readers Day.